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thor / Thorwegian 🇳🇴
2023-03-06 14:54:42

thor on Nostr: i don't actually have all that much respect for early holders of Bitcoin because i ...

i don't actually have all that much respect for early holders of Bitcoin because i heard about Bitcoin on Slashdot when it first came out and could have gotten some Bitcoin at that point. thing is that no one saw it as anything but a nerd's toy at the time. i think the people who got into it at the time were just playful. at the time, being interested in Bitcoin was like being interested in Monopoly money or some other game like Rubik's cubes. "fun plaything." and if you just so happened to like computer toys, you might make a Bitcoin wallet as a kind of game. and this toy that you dicked around with a decade ago suddenly became very valuable. i wasn't the type to dick around with toys so i didn't get a wallet at the time. i'm not sure how this makes you particularly respectable.
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